Fundamental Management Supervisory Skills

Course Information

1 Day Course

Time: 9am – 5pm

Contact: [email protected] 

Course Introduction

Improving the quality of the leader has always been considered essential by successful executives because of the immediate impact on employee productivity. It can be costly if a leader fails. As a result, training directors and managers allocate a sizeable portion of their budget to leadership training.

This workshop is specially designed with the dynamic business environment and challenges many face in the competitive business world. It can be specially customized to meet your specific needs.

Learning Outcome

  • To describe the basic responsibilities, technical skills and attitude required to be a successful leader
  • To present four fundamentals every leader must master and to provide ideas and skills for putting them in place
  • To point out special situations that a leader can expect to encounter and show how to deal with them

Who Should Attend

This workshop is essential for all Team Leaders, Supervisors, Executives and Managers

Course Outlines

Topic 1: More than just a title

The Roles and Responsibilities of the Leader.

Topic 2: I though that’s what I said

An Introduction to Communication Skills

Topic 3: You said that without moving your lips

Understanding Body Language.

Topic 4: Who are the customers?

The Concept of Total Quality Service.

Topic 5: The answer’s, what was the question?

A Guide to Decision Making.

Topic 6: Taking the lead

An Introduction to Leadership.

Topic 7: Do it NOW! If that is Ok with everyone else?

Styles of Leadership.

Topic 8: Achievement through people

The Task and the Team.

Topic 9: The eggs-ercise

An Exercise in Team Leadership and Team Working.

Topic 10: There just aren’t enough hours in the day

Use and Abuse of Time.

Topic 11: Never confuse movement with achievement

The Time Management Graph.

Topic 12: I’ve only got one pair of hands

The Art of Delegation

Topic 13: I’ll hold the post, Fred

Giving Clear Instructions.

Topic 14: My role is to enable US to do OUR job

Team skills

Topic 15: Here’s a good course now who can we send?!

The Supervisor as a Trainer.

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